If your application is unfortunately refused by UK Visas and Immigration, if you are granted a right of appeal, there are two options to make an appeal against the UKVI's refusal decision, ie, make an appeal by oral hearing or paper hearing. If your appeal is allowed by the Immigration Judge, your refusal will be overturned. If your appeal is dismissed by the Immigration Judge, you are still be able to challenge the First Tier Tribunal and apply for permission to appeal to the Upper Tier Tribunal. We are able to lodge an appeal on behalf of you to First Tier Tribunal and Upper Tier Tribunal.
Appeal by an oral hearing:
If you make an appeal by an oral hearing, The fee is £140. You will be sent a notice of hearing with the date and location of the hearing, On the date of hearing, The hearing will be attended by:
Some times, the judge will make a decision during the hearing, sometimes, the judge will send you the decision later.
Appeal by paper
If you make an appeal by written without a hearing. The fee is £80. You will prepare all the documents ands statements and send to the First Tier Tribunal, you will not be able to meet the judge and the judge will make a decision on the documents you sent.
London Office
+44(0)207 193 1996
WeWork, 125 Kingsway, Holborn, London, WC2B 6NH
Swansea Office
20 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5NQ