A Scale up visa was introduced on 22nd Aug 2022 by UK government. this new Scale up visa scheme is the government initiative to attract a highly skilled worker to work in the UK. The scale up visa requires a certificate of sponsorship issued by a business who has a scale up sponsor licence. The visa holder only needs to work for the sponsor for six months, after six months, the visa holder can work free for other employer or set up his own business.
Our immigration specialists have 15 years experience in dealing with all type of visa application including Scale up, have helped hundreds of worker visa extension applicants successfully apply for their visa from initial consultation through documents review, submission of application till successful grant of the visa. We will represent you and ensure the smooth successful granting of your visa.
Scale up visa application can be complicated depending on your personal circumstance, you may require professional advice to ensure the success of your application.
Book a consultation now at 0207 193 1996 or send us an enquiry !
How to apply for a scale up visa?
You need to apply online
How much does it cost to apply for a scale up visa?
Can I bring my family member?
Yes. You can.
Do I need to show any fund in my bank?
Yes, You must have at least £1,270 in your bank account to show you can support yourself in the UK. it has to be in the bank for 28 days before you make an application
London Office
+44(0)207 193 1996
WeWork, 125 Kingsway, Holborn, London, WC2B 6NH
Swansea Office
20 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5NQ